Friday, June 29, 2007

Life is funny...

My good buddy WHW told me to create a blog. WHW has his own blog and his blog writing skill is becoming quite popular among his fellow workers. Whether he was serious about my blog or just jerking me around is always hard to tell with WHW. He is sort of a jester and enjoys pimping people... especially J-Girl.

Life is funny. For years you try to make the best of what you have and provide the best for family. They say there are seven stages to life, unfortunately I can not remember what the stages are nor what stage I am currently participating. It appears I have developed a teeny bit cynical attitude because of recent life changes. This concerns me as I am becoming my environment! Optimistically, I believe there are reasons you make choices in your life and those choices will prove to be right.

Historically, one of my endearing traits has been to look for the best in people and events. This seems to provide me less stress and an 'easy going attitude'. I have not been one to complain and have never had much tolerance for anyone who complained for the sake of complaining. I am not opposed to having a good argument but whining pretty much shuts me down during a conversation.

Recent changes in my life has made me wonder why the 'good' guys fail to get the proper credit. I'll elaborate on this in future posts...

Since this is my very first blog post and I'm in a web security class while I write this, I'm going to shut this down. I'll try to finish this in the near future.